barack obama - Date timeline for news results - OOYUZ News Analytics

OOYUZ enables users to explore news in a variety of ways. One important criteria of sorting articles is by their timeline. For a search term, you can get articles timeline and option to further analyse each date for publishers.

For example, we are doing analysis for the term : “Barack Obama” : [Link]

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barack obama - Date timeline for news results - OOYUZ News Analytics (1)

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barack obama - Date timeline for news results - OOYUZ News Analytics (2)

On the this page, you will be seeing few top articles for each date. There is an option for exploring each date further : “Analyse more by Publisher”.

Get all publishers who have published articles for a search term on a selected date.

Title - barack obama - News articles on 2014-11-26 - OOYUZ News Analytics
Title - barack obama - News articles on 2014-11-26 - OOYUZ News Analytics (1)

Publishers are sorted according to number of articles. Open any publisher to get all articles.

Title - barack obama - News articles on 2014-11-26 - OOYUZ News Analytics (2)

When you open an article, you get various relevant information about the article, like its social count, approximate time to read, excerpt,source and related articles.

Title - barack obama - News articles on 2014-11-26 - OOYUZ News Analytics (3)

Currently we are offering analysis of past 7 days.
OOYUZ offers you even more ways to explore news articles, for example, according to their social media popularity , publisher analysis or topic/event analysis.